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Runescape in-game Pride event causes in-game 'riots'

A well-intentioned Pride event doesnt go down too well with the Runescape Community.

Most people have fond memories of Runescape, spending their afternoons not doing their school work to instead fish for lobsters in Karamja, but most players (myself included) moved on from Runescape. However the people who stayed behind have recently come out of the woodwork to prove how stuck in the past they really are.

Players of the 'Old School Runescape' version of the game were furious when Mod Wolf (@JagexWolf on Twitter) announced that there would be a 'small' in-game event held in celebration of the month of Pride.

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In the past Runescape has held in-game events for many real life issues including Mental Health Awareness, and online bullying. It seems like celebrating LGBT+ was the straw that broke the camel's back. Players have accused Jagex of pushing their political agendas through their popular fantasy game, and have said politics have no place in Runescape.

Shortly after the announcement many threads popped up on their subreddits, asking why are they continuing on with the event when the majority of the players are against it. ModWolf responded to these threads with.

'I don't believe for one minute that the majority of people are against the event'

Which quickly lead of a poll where about wanting the Pride event in game. 9000+ people voted in the Poll which showed that 66% of the players who voted are against having the event in game. Disappointingly only 9% were in favour of having the Event, and 23% did not care either way.

100s of players went ingame to protest the update with spamming the slogan 'We Pay no Gay'.

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While some comments have been in support of Jagex decision on having a Pride event, the majority of comments have been more along these lines.

'Seems like a gateway into bringing other political agendas into the game like feminist pride events, black pride events'

'We come to play games, make memes, kill bosses, and have fun. To escape from real world issues/politics/drama.'

How do you feel about the in-game Pride event and the community reaction to it?
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Jack Dixon is a gamer, cinephile, and more than likely he's the guy who's ignoring you on Grindr. Tweet him @Jackaphobia. Support his writing on Patreon!

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